Results for 'Karl Constantine Folkes'

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  1.  9
    Surface Cues Explain the Logic‐Liking Effect in Disjunctions.Constantin G. Meyer-Grant, Dorothea Poggel & Karl Christoph Klauer - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (7):e13482.
    The finding that people tend to prefer logically valid conclusions over invalid ones is known in the literature as the logic‐liking effect and has traditionally been interpreted as evidence for the notion of so‐called logical intuitions. Results of more recent empirical studies investigating conditional and categorical syllogisms suggest, however, that previous instances of the logic‐liking effect can be accounted for by a confound in terms of surface‐feature atmosphere. But the true nature of this atmosphere effect has so far remained largely (...)
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  2. (1 other version)Karl Christian Planck, zur hundertsten Wiederkehr seines Geburtstages.Traugott Constantin Oesterreich - 1920 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 24:123.
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  3. The Logical Writings of Karl PopperThe Logical Writings of Karl Popper, edited by David Binder, Thomas Piecha, and Peter Schroeder-Heister, Trends in Logic (Studia Logica Library), Vol. 58, Springer, 2022, xxiv+552 pp., 5 b/w illus., Open access ( 0.1007/978-3-030-94926-6), Eur 42,79 (softcover, ISBN: 978-3-030-94928-0), Eur 53,49 (hardcover, ISBN: 978-3-030-94925-9). [REVIEW]Constantin C. Brîncuş - 2023 - History and Philosophy of Logic 45 (3):385-387.
    This book has been published in the series Trends in Logic (Studia Logica Library) and is dedicated to Karl R. Popper’s work, namely, his writings on deductive logic and its foundations, which are...
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    Review of Adam Morton, The Importance of Being Understood: Folk Psychology As Ethics[REVIEW]Constantine Sandis - 2003 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2003 (9).
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    Conversion and Text: The Cases of Augustine of Hippo, Herman-Judah, and Constantine Tsatsos.Karl Frederick Morrison - 1992 - Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press. Edited by Karl Frederick Morrison.
    Interpreting three conversion accounts, Morrison accents the categorical difference between the experience of conversion and written narratives about it. He explains why experience and text can only be related to each other in fictive ways.
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  6. Logical Maximalism in the Empirical Sciences.Constantin C. Brîncuș - 2021 - In Parusniková Zuzana & Merritt David (eds.), Karl Popper's Science and Philosophy. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. pp. 171-184.
    K. R. Popper distinguished between two main uses of logic, the demonstrational one, in mathematical proofs, and the derivational one, in the empirical sciences. These two uses are governed by the following methodological constraints: in mathematical proofs one ought to use minimal logical means (logical minimalism), while in the empirical sciences one ought to use the strongest available logic (logical maximalism). In this paper I discuss whether Popper’s critical rationalism is compatible with a revision of logic in the empirical sciences, (...)
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    Scholarship and periodization.Constantin Fasolt - 2011 - History and Theory 50 (3):414-424.
    ABSTRACTDavis argues that the familiar periodization dividing European history into medieval and modern phases disguises a claim to power as a historical fact. It justifies slavery and subjugation by projecting them onto the “feudal” Middle Ages and non‐European present, while hiding forms of slavery and subjugation practiced by “secular” modernity. Periodization thus furnishes one of the most durable conceptual foundations for the usurpation of liberty and the abuse of power.In part I, devoted to “feudalism,” Davis traces the legal, political, and (...)
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    Constantine the Great. [REVIEW]Karl Christ - 1976 - Philosophy and History 9 (1):88-90.
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    Judgments of moral responsibility – a unified account.Gunnar Björnsson & Karl Persson - 2012 - In Gunnar Björnsson & Karl Persson (eds.), The Explanatory Component of Moral Responsibility. Blackwell.
    Recent work in experimental philosophy shows that folk intuitions about moral responsibility are sensitive to a surprising variety of factors. Whether people take agents to be responsible for their actions in deterministic scenarios depends on whether the deterministic laws are couched in neurological or psychological terms (Nahmias et. al. 2007), on whether actions are described abstractly or concretely, and on how serious moral transgression they seem to represent (Nichols & Knobe 2007). Finally, people are more inclined to hold an agent (...)
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    Religionsethologie – die biologischen Wurzeln religiösen Verhaltens.Ina Wunn, Patrick Urban & Constantin Klein - 2014 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 22 (1):98-124.
    ZusammenfassungDer Artikel skizziert die Grundlagen einer neuen Subdisziplin innerhalb der Religionswissenschaft, der Religionsethologie. Religionsethologie lässt sich letztlich auf Charles Darwin selbst zurückführen, der bereits in seinem Buch The expression of the emotions in man and animals belegen konnte, dass jede Form von Verhalten für das Überleben der Art genau so wichtig ist wie die Adaptation des Phänotypus. In den Geisteswissenschaften wurde der Darwinsche Ansatz sofort aufgegriffen und von bedeutenden Forschern wie Karl Meuli, Aby Warburg und in jüngerer Zeit von (...)
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  11. A Unified Empirical Account of Responsibility Judgments.Gunnar Björnsson & Karl Persson - 2012 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 87 (3):611-639.
    Skeptical worries about moral responsibility seem to be widely appreciated and deeply felt. To address these worries—if nothing else to show that they are mistaken—theories of moral responsibility need to relate to whatever concept of responsibility underlies the worries. Unfortunately, the nature of that concept has proved hard to pin down. Not only do philosophers have conflicting intuitions; numerous recent empirical studies have suggested that both prosaic responsibility judgments and incompatibilist intuitions among the folk are influenced by a number of (...)
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  12. Judgments of moral responsibility: a unified account.Gunnar Björnsson & Karl Persson - 2012 - In Gunnar Björnsson & Karl Persson (eds.), The Explanatory Component of Moral Responsibility. Blackwell. pp. 1–10.
    Recent work in experimental philosophy shows that folk intuitions about moral responsibility are sensitive to a surprising variety of factors. Whether people take agents to be responsible for their actions in deterministic scenarios depends on whether the deterministic laws are couched in neurological or psychological terms (Nahmias et. al. 2007), on whether actions are described abstractly or concretely, and on how serious moral transgression they seem to represent (Nichols & Knobe 2007). Finally, people are more inclined to hold an agent (...)
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    In-N's Wil-Malik: People and King; Folk Tales in the Cairene Dialect in Roman TranscriptionIn-Nas Wil-Malik: People and King; Folk Tales in the Cairene Dialect in Roman Transcription.Ernest T. Abdel-Massih, Motie Ibrahim Hassan & Karl-G. Prasse - 1976 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 96 (1):153.
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    Commentary on "Edmund Husserl's Influence on Karl Jaspers's Phenomenology".Jean-Michel Azorin & Jean Naudin - 1997 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 4 (1):37-39.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Commentary on “Edmund Husserl’s Influence on Karl Jaspers’s Phenomenology”Jean Naudin (bio) and Jean-Michel Azorin (bio)Keywordsphenomenology, intentionality, intuition, empathy, ambiguitySchwartz and Wiggins’s paper clearly shows that Jaspers’s comprehensive psychiatry draws mainly from Husserl’s phenomenology. This thesis enters a current debate opened by Chris Walker and German Berrios about the influence of Husserlian philosophy on Jaspers’s work. This debate, which emerged at the end of the so-called decade of the (...)
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  15. Musik. Karajans Bücherschrank, oder: Vom Abstand zwischen musikalischer Praxis und Theorie / Peter Gülke ; Über Fingersätze (Auch finger haben ihr Gedächtnis) ; Parcours (du combattan?) / Pierre Boulez ; Schönberg, Berg und Webern schreiben Briefe : Postalische Wortmeldungen aus dem Alltag der drei Wiener Komponisten / Klaus Schweizer ; Über "Wirkung" und "Charakter" : Anmerkungen zum Sprachcharakter der Musik / Elmar Budde ; Les Psaumes de David : Prière et musique = Die Psalmen Davids : Gebet und Musik / Georges Athanasiadès ; Ein Arpeggio und seine Folgen : Die Matthäuspassion zwischen Bach, Mendelssohn und uns / Joshua Rifkin ; Schöpfung und Nachschöpfung : Musikalisch-literarische Betrachtungen zu Gustav Mahlers VIII. Symphonie / Michael Schwalb ; Gedanken über die Tiefendimension der Musik / Constantin Floros ; Prendre des risques ; Künstlerischer Wagemut.Henri Dutilleux - 2012 - In Karl Anton Rickenbacher & Michael Schwalb (eds.), Liber amicorum: Gespräche über Musik, Literatur und Kunst: Hommage an Karl Anton Rickenbacher. New York: Georg Olms Verlag.
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  16. Folkebegrebets transformationsproces.Ove Korsgaard - forthcoming - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie.
    Artiklens fokus er begrebet folk, der udgør et af sprogets mest komplekse og kon- fliktfyldte begreber. Artiklen belyser den semantiske og idehistoriske transforma- tionsproces, som begrebet folk undergår: fra primært at være forbundet med hus- stand og slægt til at blive knyttet sammen med nation og demokrati. I det ældre danske sprog blev ordet folk anvendt om samfundets laveste stand, bondestand og brugt synonymt med begreber som almue, tyende, tjenere, hob og mængde. Men fra slutningen af 1700-tallet og frem blev (...)
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  17. Objective knowledge, an evolutionary approach.Karl R. Popper - 1974 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 166 (1):72-73.
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    (3 other versions)Ideology and Utopia.Karl Mannheim, Louis Wirth & Edward A. Shils - 1937 - International Journal of Ethics 48 (1):120-128.
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  19. Introduction : Hegel and contemporary philosophy of action.Arto Laitinen & Constantine Sandis - 2010 - In Arto Laitinen & Constantine Sandis (eds.), Hegel on action. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The aim of this book is to provide an in-depth account of Hegel’s writings on human action as they relate to contemporary concerns in the hope that it will encourage fruitful dialogue between Hegel scholars and those working in the philosophy of action. During the past two decades, preliminary steps towards such a dialogue were taken, but many paths remain uncharted. The book thus serves as both a summative document of past interaction and a promissory note of things to come. (...)
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  20. (1 other version)Kantian Idealism Today.Karl Ameriks - 1992 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 9 (3):329 - 342.
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    Die Krise der Psychologie.Karl Bühler - 1927 - Gustav Fischer.
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  22. From a transcendental-semiotic point of view.Karl-Otto Apel - 1998 - New York: Distributed exclusively in the USA by St. Martin's Press. Edited by Marianna Papastephanou.
    Collected together for the first time in English, Karl-Otto Apel’s most recent work covers a broad spectrum of philosophical issues. Highly original, this work will be valuable to academics and students concerned with (post-) analytic philosophy, epistemology, history of science, Heidegger’s fundamental ontology, current debates about transcendental modes of argument, second-generation Frankfurt School thinkers and American pragmatists. It will be no less useful to all those interested in reformulations of Kantian themes and redefinitions of older ideas within the linguistic (...)
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    Free-energy and the brain.Karl Friston & Klaas Stephan - 2007 - Synthese 159 (3):417-458.
    If one formulates Helmholtz’s ideas about perception in terms of modern-day theories one arrives at a model of perceptual inference and learning that can explain a remarkable range of neurobiological facts. Using constructs from statistical physics it can be shown that the problems of inferring what cause our sensory inputs and learning causal regularities in the sensorium can be resolved using exactly the same principles. Furthermore, inference and learning can proceed in a biologically plausible fashion. The ensuing scheme rests on (...)
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  24. The physician in the technological age.Karl Jaspers - 1989 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 10 (3).
    Translator's summary and notes: Karl Jaspers (1883–1969) argues that modern advances in the natural sciences and in technology have exerted transforming influence on the art of clinical medicine and on its ancient Hippocratic ideal, even though Plato's classical argument about slave physicians and free physicians retains essential relevance for the physician of today.Medicine should be rooted not only in science and technology, but in the humanity of the physician as well. Jaspers thus shows how, within the mind of every (...)
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  25. (1 other version)A World of Propensities.Karl R. Popper - 1991 - Mind 100 (1):161-162.
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    The Scenic Route? On Errol Lord’s The Importance of Being Rational.Karl Schafer - 2020 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 100 (2):469-475.
    Errol Lord’s The Importance of Being Rational is a beautiful presentation of how one might defend a reasons-first approach to rationality. I’m going to focus these comments on some of the larger systematic ambitions of the book. In doing so, my hope is to draw Lord out concerning the larger project of which the book is a part and to raise some more general questions about the project of defining rationality in terms of reasons. In doing so, my focus with (...)
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    Kant's elliptical path.Karl Ameriks - 2012 - Oxford : Clarendon Press,: Clarendon Press.
    This book explores the main stages and key concepts in the development of Kant's critical philosophy, from the early 1760s to the 1790s. Karl Ameriks provides a detailed and concise account of the main ways in which the later critical works provide a plausible defense of the conception of humanity's fundamental end that Kant turned to after reading Rousseau in the 1760s. Separate essays are devoted to each of the three Critiques, as well as to earlier notes and lectures (...)
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    Taming the Corporate Monster: An Aristotelian Approach to Corporate Virtue.Karl Schudt - 2000 - Business Ethics Quarterly 10 (3):711-723.
    Corporations are often considered as moral agents. Traditional ethical systems are directed toward human beings—how could human rules be expected to apply to corporations? In this paper an alternative system of ethics is proposed, tailored specifically for the corporate entity. I use the method of Aristotle, in which the character traits that are conducive to the goal of human activity, happiness, are derived. For corporations, the goal is taken to be the traditional capitalist one of sustainable profit, and corresponding corporate (...)
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    Found Guilty by Association: In Defence of the Quinean Criterion.Karl Egerton - 2016 - Ratio 31 (1):37-56.
    Much recent work in metaontology challenges the so-called ‘Quinean tradition’ in metaphysics. Especially prominently, Amie Thomasson argues for a highly permissive ontology over ontologies which eliminate many entities. I am concerned with disputing not her ontological claim, but the methodology behind her rejection of eliminativism – I focus on ordinary objects. Thomasson thinks that by endorsing the Quinean criterion of ontological commitment eliminativism goes wrong; a theory eschewing quantification over a kind may nonetheless be committed to its existence. I argue (...)
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    Self-Stigma, Bad Faith and the Experiential Self.Karl Eriksson - 2019 - Human Studies 42 (3):391-405.
    The concept of self-stigmatization is guided by a representational account of selfhood that fails to accommodate for resilience against, and recovery from, stigma. Mainstream research on self-stigma has portrayed it only as a reified self, that is, as collectively shared stereotypes representing individuals’ identity. Self-stigma viewed phenomenologically, however, elucidates what facilitates a stigmatized self. A phenomenological analysis discloses the lived phenomenon of stigma as an act of self-objectification, as related to the experiential self, and therefore an achievement of subjectivity. Following (...)
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  31. Visions of Culture: Voltaire, Guizot, Burckhardt, Lamprecht, Huizinga, Ortega y Gasset.Karl Joachim Weintraub - 1966 - Chicago,: University of Chicago Press.
    Voltaire, 1694-1778 -- Guizot 1787-1874 -- Burckhardt 1818-1897 -- Lamprecht 1856-1915 -- Huizinga 1872-1945 -- Ortega y Gasset 1883-1955.
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  32. “Music to the Ears of Weaklings”: Moral Hydraulics and the Unseating of Desire.Louise Rebecca Chapman & Constantine Sandis - 2018 - Manuscrito 41 (4):71-112.
    Psychological eudaimonism is the view that we are constituted by a desire to avoid the harmful. This entails that coming to see a prospective or actual object of pursuit as harmful to us will unseat our positive evaluative belief about that object. There is more than one way that such an 'unseating' of desire may be caused on an intellectualist picture. This paper arbitrates between two readings of Socrates' 'attack on laziness' in the Meno, with the aim of constructing a (...)
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  33. The Humanity of God.Karl Barth - 1960
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    Completeness and incompleteness for plausibility logic.Karl Schlechta - 1996 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 5 (2):177-192.
    Plausibility Logic was introduced by Daniel Lehmann. We show—among some other results—completeness of a subset of Plausibility Logic for Preferential Models, and incompleteness of full Plausibility Logic for smooth Preferential Models.
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  35. Essays on the Sociology of Knowledge.Karl Mannheim & Paul Kecskemeti - 1953 - Philosophy 28 (106):278-279.
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    Beyond Autonomy in Eighteenth-Century British and German Aesthetics.Karl Axelsson, Camilla Flodin & Mattias Pirholt (eds.) - 2020 - New York: Routledge.
    This volume re-examines traditional interpretations of the rise of modern aesthetics in eighteenth-century Britain and Germany. It provides a new account that connects aesthetic experience with morality, science, and political society. In doing so, the book challenges longstanding teleological narratives that emphasize disinterestedness and the separation of aesthetics from moral, cognitive, and political interests. The chapters are divided into three thematic parts. The chapters in Part I demonstrate the heteronomy of eighteenth-century British aesthetics. They chart the evolution of aesthetic concepts (...)
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    Equivalence of consequence relations: an order-theoretic and categorical perspective.Nikolaos Galatos & Constantine Tsinakis - 2009 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 74 (3):780-810.
    Equivalences and translations between consequence relations abound in logic. The notion of equivalence can be defined syntactically, in terms of translations of formulas, and order-theoretically, in terms of the associated lattices of theories. W. Blok and D. Pigozzi proved in [4] that the two definitions coincide in the case of an algebraizable sentential deductive system. A refined treatment of this equivalence was provided by W. Blok and B. Jónsson in [3]. Other authors have extended this result to the cases of (...)
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    Dynamics of identity: Between self-enhancement and self-assessment.Aiden P. Gregg, Constantine Sedikides & Jochen E. Gebauer - 2011 - In Seth J. Schwartz, Koen Luyckx & Vivian L. Vignoles (eds.), Handbook of identity theory and research. New York: Springer Science+Business Media. pp. 305--327.
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  39. Assessor Relativism and the Problem of Moral Disagreement.Karl Schafer - 2012 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 50 (4):602-620.
    I consider sophisticated forms of relativism and their effectiveness at responding to the skeptical argument from moral disagreement. In order to do so, I argue that the relativist must do justice to our intuitions about the depth of moral disagreement, while also explaining why it can be rational to be relatively insensitive to such disagreements. I argue that the relativist can provide an account with these features, at least in some form, but that there remain serious questions about the viability (...)
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  40. Man and Society in an Age of Reconstruction: Studies in Modern Social Structure.Karl Mannheim - 1941 - Philosophy 16 (62):217-218.
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    Decision-making approaches in transgender healthcare: conceptual analysis and ethical implications.Karl Gerritse, Laura A. Hartman, Marijke A. Bremmer, Baudewijntje P. C. Kreukels & Bert C. Molewijk - 2021 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 24 (4):687-699.
    Over the past decades, great strides have been made to professionalize and increase access to transgender medicine. As the evidence base grows and conceptualizations regarding gender dysphoria/gender incongruence evolve, so too do ideas regarding what constitutes good treatment and decision-making in transgender healthcare. Against this background, differing care models arose, including the ‘Standards of Care’ and the so-called ‘Informed Consent Model’. In these care models, ethical notions and principles such as ‘decision-making’ and ‘autonomy’ are often referred to, but left unsubstantiated. (...)
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    The Constitution of Modernity: A Critique of Castoriadis.Karl E. Smith - 2009 - European Journal of Social Theory 12 (4):505-521.
    Every theory of modernity must at least presuppose an implicit ontology of the social-historical. Castoriadis is one of the few who makes these presuppositions explicit. Castoriadis’s socio-cultural ontology reveals that the essentially indeterminate nature of the social-historical entails ontological plurality, in the face of which monological or unilinear theories of modernity collapse — leaving us with a fragmented field of tensions. Castoriadis’s exposition of the ontological plurality of the social-historical is one of his most important contributions to social theory — (...)
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  43. How to save Kant's deduction of taste.Karl Ameriks - 1982 - Journal of Value Inquiry 16 (4):295-302.
  44. Hegel on Action.Arto Laitinenen & Constantine Sandis (eds.) - 2010 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Socioemotional Exchanges Between Men and Women in Heterosexual Relationships.Stanley O. Gaines & Constantine Sedikides - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    We examined affection-giving, affection-denying, respect-giving, and respect-denying behaviors among men and women in heterosexual relationships. In a pilot study, although we had expected the latent variables of affectionate and respectful behaviors to emerge from exploratory factor analyses, we obtained the latent variables of socioemotional rewards and costs instead. In the main study, we replicated the factor patterns of socioemotional rewards and costs in confirmatory factor analyses. Moreover, we entered men’s and women’s self-reported narcissism alongside men’s and women’s socioemotional rewards and (...)
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  46. Christ and Adam, Man and Humanity in Romans 5.Karl Barth & T. A. Smail - 1957
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  47. Freedom, Power and Democratic Planning.Karl Mannheim - 1951 - Science and Society 15 (3):278-280.
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    Strength in Muscle and Beauty in Integrity: Building a Body for Her.Melina Constantine Bell - 2008 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 35 (1):43-62.
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    The Single Individual is Higher than the Universal: Kierkegaard.Karl Aho & C. Stephen Evans - 2019 - In John Shand (ed.), A Companion to Nineteenth Century Philosophy (Blackwell Companions to Philosophy). Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 160-184.
    Soren Kierkegaard (1813‐1855) is primarily known as a moral philosopher. This chapter looks at his contributions to ethics, and shows how Kierkegaard's writings can contribute to epistemology, metaphysics, and other areas of contemporary philosophy. In order to contextualize Kierkegaard's contributions to philosophy the chapter briefly surveys some of the ways Kierkegaard is connected to nineteenth‐century philosophers, as well as classical figures like Socrates. It considers Kierkegaard's contributions to moral philosophy in two ways. First, the chapter briefly recounts Kierkegaard's suspicion of (...)
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    Towards a Perfectionist Response to Ethical Conflict.Karl Hostetler - 1998 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 17 (4):295-302.
    This paper argues for a pluralist perfectionist response to ethical conflict. This sets for states and their public schools the task of helping people adjudicate conflicts between ethical orientations and of promoting or discouraging particular conceptions of a good life. The aim of deliberation is mutual ethical recognition and growth, judged against a thick yet universally shared conception of human flourishing. The political justification of perfectionism is that it provides a better defense against repression and discrimination than state neutrality on (...)
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